Friday, July 30, 2010

Senate Clears Way for $30 Billion Small Business Fund

Washington is poised to launch its most direct attempt to revive small business lending since the financial crisis with a plan to invest up to $30 billion of federal money in small banks and give them incentives to re-lend that money to Main Street companies.

The Small Business Lending Fund, outlined by President Obama in his State of the Union speech six months ago, cleared a key Senate vote to end debate July 22 as two Republicans broke with their caucus to support the measure.


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Small businesses make state great place to live - By Jim Henderson

Here is an older article from the Wyoming Business Report I thought I'd share with you. Here is the beginning of the article.....What makes a neighborhood, a community, a city and a state vibrant, alive and a great place to live? What gives a place that special flavor that makes it unique and a good place to work and raise a family? In large part, local small businesses give a community its character, its sense of growth and its optimism.

This is especially true in Wyoming. The most recent data shows just how important small business is to Wyoming families. Here, small business continues to create new jobs.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Obama Promotes Plan for Small Business, Raises Money

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Check Out The Small Business Administration District Office of Wyoming - Events Calendar

Here is a calendar of events as provided by the Wyoming SBA District Office.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sam's Club Getting into Small Biz Lending: Good?

Jul 26, 2010 -
Is your business seeking capital? If so, a Sam's Club membership could open up access to it. The warehouse shopping centers, a division of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., recently announced plans to test a small-business loan program in partnership with Superior Financial Group LLC. Sam’s Club members who qualify for loans will be eligible to borrow from $5,000 to $25,000 from Superior Financial.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wyoming Business Council - Resources

During the past four years, the Wyoming Business Council Support Services group has provided consulting and training to many firms in Wyoming in the areas of human resources and general business consulting. The Business Council Human Resources office can help businesses with the following: human resources, compensation for both hourly and salary employees: incentive plans and gain sharing programs; benefits; implementation and effectiveness; performance management; human resources policy development; recruitment; reducing employee turnover and increasing employee retention; and general business to include cultural change and helping firms improve employee accountability. Visit site.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wyoming threatens to sell prime Grand Teton land

The Associated Press

MOOSE, Wyo. — For sale: Two square miles of Grand Teton National Park.

Majestic views of the Teton Range.

Prime location for luxury resort, home development.
Pristine habitat for moose, elk, wolves, grizzlies.
Price: $125 million. Call: Gov. Dave Freudenthal.

Wyoming is trying to force the Interior Department to trade land, minerals or mineral royalties for 1,366 acres it owns within the majestic park. If the foot-dragging feds don't agree to a deal — soon — Freudenthal threatens to put a "for sale" sign on the property.

Wyoming has owned the land since statehood in 1890, when the federal government set aside land in new Western states to be mined, logged or leased to raise money for public education. Wyoming kept its so-called "school sections" after Grand Teton National Park was established in 1950.


For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wyoming's eGovernment Business Site

Learn about the business industry in Wyoming. This is an excellent state for families to call home. Businesses thrive here because Wyoming is a great place to work and a great place to live. Wyoming is open for business!

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wyoming Secretary of State - Search for Entity Registration Dates

Search for any entity registered in the State of Wyoming by its registered Filing ID or Name by clicking HERE.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Friday, July 16, 2010

Privacy Protection Wyoming

Stockholders are the owners of any corporation and their names are not public. Directors and Officers can be one person and can be you or someone other than yourself. Rather than operating all of your businesses out of your home state where all of the information may be public, you may consider setting up a separate business in Wyoming so that you don't have "all of your eggs in one basket". Or simply use a Wyoming entity as your primary business location.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Family Limited Liability Companies Info

Click here for the article:

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Remain Hopeful During Economic Crisis |

Here's a great article about remaining hopeful during tough economic here.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

How a Corporation is Like a Person

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Friday, July 9, 2010

How to Make a Business Plan

There is a general idea about how to make a business plan, which is why the appearance of business plans remain the same for all times. However, whether a business plan is acceptable or not depends on the inclusion or not of certain ingredients necessary for its success.

Since one of the purposes of your business plan is fund raising and because your business plan will be reviewed by those you seek fund from, it is better to stay with a conventional format and the normal decision making components of a good business plan, if not your reviewers may see no reason to go ahead with the review.

Write Your Executive Summary Section Properly

The executive summary section of your business plan is like the preamble or synopsis of your business plan, which is why it should be well written. If the attention of your audience is not grabbed the reading of your business plan may be aborted. Write your summary with very powerful words that simply make clear what you are leading to in a short and very easy to understand language.

If your executive summary is impressive you are surely getting the reviewers on the side of your presentation by impressing them with points that show that your business will make profit.

A clearly written summary will most probably get the reviewers approval. A well written analysis of the potentials of your target market, the amount of capital you are looking for to take advantage of the market, expected proceeds from sales projections and your repayment plan therefrom are all the hallmarks of an excellent executive summary.

Introduce Your Business

Here is where you give more details about your company: The registered name, business premises address and more description of the nature of your business. Your reviewers are not going to rack their brains to understand you, so write simple and easy to understand statements of facts that need no thinking to understand. There is no point to speak a language your reviewers will not understand, if your company is technical, use ordinarily words that your reviewers will understand..

Clearly Analyze Your Market

This is where your reviewers will quickly appraise your knowledge of the market and business for which you are looking for funds. If you have done your homework, your analysis of the market will glow before them like a sun in splendor. Here you are just adding more shine to what you said at the executive summary. It is your marketing plan that you present here.

Funding, Your Source Of Expected Income And Your Financial Contribution

This is where you talk about company policy, strategies for beating competition using well researched market information etc. Also, you have to include your own monetary contribution in this section.

In closing, you showcase your management team - depending on your type of business, this is about your organizational structure. If you company is a limited one, the resumes of your key members of staff should be included for your reviewers to see.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700 - Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What is Corporate Restructuring?

Corporate restructuring is a term used to denote a company's reorganization at the highest corporate level. This can also include legal status, ownership, operational, and financial restructuring to improve profitability and provide better organisation for the present and/or prepared for market changes. Often, preparation for the future is referred to as repositioning. Other reasons for restructuring include change of ownership or ownership structure, merger, acquisition, or divestiture.

Generally, however, corporate restructuring has come to mean reorganisation prompted by a period of unsatisfactory performance and declining profits caused by poor management, sudden market changes, or most recently world financial crisis. Debtors or equity holders (partners/shareholders) may force it. If under debt pressure (insolvency is a potential choice) restructuring usually then includes restructuring of debt as well as corporate reorganization.

Corporate restructuring is usually a long, drawn out process with probably the majority of the time involved with planning rather than actually implementing the restructuring decisions. Most importantly, restructuring a company is an often-difficult operation requiring a no nonsense approach and a willingness to face financial realities and prioritize difficult decisions.

Potential remedies include closure of facilities to reduce overhead, consolidation to eliminate duplicate administrative functions and personnel, divestment of under performing divisions, outsourcing costly services to reduce expenditures associated with in-house employees. Finally, one of management's most painful and difficult tasks, lay-offs are often essential for improving the profit picture.

In fact, in order to approach restructuring with dispassion a turnaround specialist is hired to help with restructuring or a new CEO to identify and make the difficult decisions required.

Alternatively, the first "outsourcing" decision is to bring in company experienced in restructuring as advisors and even decision makers. In any case, the fact is that the objectivity and a fresh point of view of an outsider are often essential. Companies specializing in restructuring offer skilled specialists able to evaluate the issues, both financial and operational, that adversely affect performance and formulate comprehensive plans and assist in there execution to address your businesses challenges.

When choosing a restructuring company look for experience and a wide range of capabilities with in-depth skills that integrate both financial and operational restructuring. The company should analyse and develop reorganization plans and alternative, provide interim management if necessary, and assess the insolvency process as restructuring option.

When all is said and done, restructuring is simply cutting costs, fixing what is broken, and strengthening what is not.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Business Strategies and Wyoming

IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU ARE OPERATING UNDER A LARGE CORPORATION OR SMALL CORPORATION, a partnership or a sole proprietorship, These strategies are not new and have been used by giant Corporations, such as DuPont, Kodak and others. They will help you to build a stronger, more prosperous future no matter what the economic conditions. With a Wyoming Corporation, one person may fill all Officers' positions.

Asset Protection
No one can predict how the courts will rule when someone’s lawyer decides to go after everything you have, for whatever reason.

Judgment proof yourself, through a Wyoming Corporation. One way is to have your Wyoming Corporation make a loan to your current business with a promissory note that is due upon demand. In other words, your current business would have to pay this note upon the demand of your Wyoming Corporation.

Your Wyoming Corporation will ask for a reasonable interest rate agreed to by you (or technically, the Wyoming Corporation). It can then be compounded quarterly, monthly and the interest should and be due every month or even annually.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Monday, July 5, 2010

Wyoming S Corporation: Advantages and Disadvantages

Hello. Happy 4th of July (yesterday!) Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I came across this article about the advantages and disadvantages of a Wyoming S Corporation and wanted to share it with you all.

The independent life of the corporation makes possible its continuation, and the relatively undisturbed continued operation of the business regardless of incapacity or death of one or more stockholders.

Fractional ownership shares are easily accommodated in the initial offering of stock.

The purchase, sale, and gifting of stock make it possible to have changes in ownership without disturbing the corporation's ability to conduct business.

The requirement that the corporation's finances and records be separate from the finances and records of stockholders reduces the risk of unrecognized equity liquidations.

With only a few exceptions, under the Subchapter S election for taxation as a partnership the S corporation pays no income taxes and corporation income or loss is passed through direct to the stockholders.

To the extent the corporate shield is maintained and other investments and savings of the stockholders are not at risk, the personal life of stockholders is simplified.

The annual meetings of stockholders and consultations with legal counsel can provide stimulus for improved communication within the stockholder group (often a family group) and can provide more comprehensive guidance for management.

Depending on the corporation's business record and the policies and practices of prospective lenders, access to credit and the ability to secure needed resources may be improved.

Earnings representing "return on investment" (interest, rental payments, etc.) are not subject to self-employment tax as long as stockholder-employees receive adequate compensation for labor and management of the business.

Disadvantages of the S Corporation:

Lenders may require personal guarantees from corporate officers as a condition of supplying credit, thus negating the limitation of liability.

Conflicts or disagreements among the stockholders may immobilize decision making.

Restrictions on the sale of stock and/or buy-back agreements included in the bylaws may prevent minority stockholders from being able to recover the value of their investment in the corporation.

Through the processes of gifting and inheritance, stock ownership can become divided among many persons who are not active in the business and they may become a voting block that does not support needs and decisions believed desirable by managing stockholders.

Over time, corporation paid benefits for stockholder-employees may become costly and exceed the ability of the business to pay.

Employment benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, and housing costs are taxable income to stockholder employees with 2 percent or more stock ownership and to employees who are directly related to persons owning 2 percent or more of the corporation stock.

If appreciated assets are owned by the corporation and the corporation is dissolved, significant income taxes on the appreciation amount will be generated.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987 - Outside the US: (307) 635-8700

Friday, July 2, 2010

More on the Supreme Court of Florida Asset Protection Ruling

Here is the actual ruling by the Supreme Court of Florida on Asset Protection. The link opens a PDF document. Click here.

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Florida Surpreme Court Eliminates Asset Protection Benefit Of Single-Member Florida LLC (And Maybe All LLCs)

Here is some interesting information - The Florida Supreme Court’s holding in the Olmstead v. Federal Trade Commission case, issued June 24, 2010, wherein the Court held that judgment creditors are not limited to the charging lien as their only tool to attack a debtor’s interest in a single member LLC. Creditors have other remedies available to them including, without limitation, levy and sale proceedings under Florida Statute 56.061. The ruling, at a minimum, denies single member LLCs the same asset protection benefits as multi member LLCs.

The court’s ruling is based on two features of Florida’s LLC statutes. First, cites Section 608.433(1) to show why a charging lien is the appropriate collection tool against a debtor who owns a membership interest in a multi-member LLC. That statute states the basic rule absent contrary provisions in the LLC operating agreement that an assignee (creditors are assignees) of a membership interest may become a member only if all other members so consent. If a judgment creditor were to levy on a multimember interest the creditor could not take over the debtor’s interest and could exercise no management powers without the consent of the non-debtor members. This provision, the court said, is irrelevant in a single-member LLC because that member’s creditor takes the full title and powers of the debtor member upon levy without the consent of anyone other than the debtor.

Second, the court said that although the LLC statute states that a creditor may apply for a charging lien against a debtor member the statute does not state that the charging lien is an exclusive remedy. Other creditor remedies, such as levy and sale under Section 56.061 or the appointment of a receiver, are not excluded by Florida’s LLC statute. The court contrast Florida’s partnership acts which expressly provide that a charging lien is the creditor’s exclusive remedy against a debtor’s partnership interest. (Of course, there is no such thing as a single-member partnership).

The Olmstead LLC case was decided 3-2. The majority opinion was about 14 pages long. Justice Lewis wrote a strong dissenting opinion which was almost 30 pages long. Justice Lewis argued that the court’s ruling that the charging lien is a non-exclusive remedy affect not just single-member LLCs but all LLCs organized in Florida regardless of the number of members. He said that, "The majority opinion now eliminates the charging order remedy for multimember LLCs under its theory of "nonexclusivity" which is a disaster for those entities."

For more information, visit our website at Free: (800) 891-5987Outside the US: (307) 635-8700Fax number:(307) 635-1300